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How to prepare your Perfect Cup of Tea

We already touched about this subject in our last blog post where we described all the Top Health Benefits of Green Tea, but is there really a perfect way to prepare it?


In order not to destroy the beneficial properties of tea, it is essential to know how to prepare and preserve it. In this sense, tea should be prepared as follows:

Place the water (preferably always filtered water) to heat until the first air bubbles appear in the water, without boiling. Then hang up. Add the tea herb and cover with a lid for 5 minutes. Let the infusion rest during this time. After this time, strain the tea and drink it.

Strictly speaking, tea should not be reheated. It is advisable to make the amount you will drink and consume right away. Drink between three to six cups a day.

Tea should be kept out of the light and in a dry, cool place. This ensures the preservation of its beneficial substances.

Regarding the quantity, it is advisable to measure two tablespoons of tea for one liter of water. You can also use the tea bag following the proportion of water recommended on the packaging.


If you prepare and preserve tea in this way, you can extract a greater amount of polyphenols from tea that contains a high concentration of antioxidants.

The ideal is not to add milk or sugar. It is recommended that you do not sweeten the tea as it can cause its benefits to be compromised. If you want to sweeten, do it with honey or brown sugar because they are natural. In Japan, for example, tea is taken with nothing.

We hope this explain better how to have all the benefits of our beloved tea. Of course we should also take into consideration its origin, it should be as close to our location as possible to not loose benefits in its shipments and above all it should be Organic. We bring you the Best Organic Tea, its all farmed under tough regulation and due to where its planted we don't use harmful chemicals. And if you live in Europe this is the closest you can get as our tea comes from the only Tea Plantation in Europe.

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